General Info
Brodowski Square
Composition in black and white. Contour lines, short, quick strokes creating tangles, and some scrapings. It depicts a group of children waving at a clown riding on donkey in Brodoswki Square. In the foreground on the left, suggesting tuft cluster of bushes; the center girl in profile to the left, running, stretched on the left arm holding a wheel that is in front; on the right tree, a tuft suggesting bushes, a profile steer to the left and a front cow. In the background, on the left, a group of ten children on his back waving clown faces on a donkey backwards. In the center, several trees; on the right, row houses, slightly on the right diagonal to the left from front to back, making the edge of the square. On the third level, to the left, a tree with leafy canopy, the center a circus and the little church of Saint Anthony; on the right, two children flying kites, an ox and a continuation of the row houses that make the edge of the square. In the background, to the left sort of forest with tall trees, a row of houses with plantations ago, and on the right street that ends at the square. The prospect of The scene is who was watching the high court.
Candido PortinariPerson
Artwork Function
Artwork Function Description
Illustration no. 7 for the book Retrato de Portinari, by Antonio Callado
Support and Technique
Art Form
Art Medium
India ink penArtMediumType
Artwork Surface
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Dimension Notes
precisão: aproximadas
Signature and annotation
Signed at bottom left edge "Portinari". Undated
Annotation Author
Dedication in middle of bottom edge "para o Teophilo no dia dos seu cincoentão com o abraço e os votos de mais um cincoentão do Candinho 12-I-961”
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