General Info
Dom João VI, Dona Carlota and Dom Pedro
Composition in black and white. Contour lines, parallel straight lines, fast and shaded lines. John VI, D. Charlotte Joaquina and child Dom Pedro, standing side by side, accompanied by courting, occupying almost the entire area of the composition. In the foreground on the left, João VI from the front, with the head turned to the left 3/4. wears brimmed hat raised in front, cue curly hair; Fat has face and chin, on the right arm body and along the on the left arm bent in front of the body. wears doublet with band across the chest and stretch pants to the knees, white socks and closed shoes. On the right, D. Carlota Joaquina front with the face 3/4 facing left. It has flush hair combed to the head forming a bun on top. wear long dress, low-cut, with half sleeve, high waist and long sleeves. Beside him, Pedro boy using clothing similar to the father, without a hat, with furrowed and frill necked shirt. Behind the three figures, the procession formed by six top perspective figures for the upper on the left corner of the composition, all facial features are represented. On the floor and on the figures, study of shadows. At the upper right corner, outline of figures of soldiers profiled.
Location Created
Candido PortinariPerson
Artwork Function
Artwork Function Description
Study for the panel The Arrival of Dom João VI to Bahia [FCO 2404]
Support and Technique
Art Form
Art Medium
lead pencilArtMediumType
Artwork Surface
Bristol boardArtworkSurfaceType
Support affixed to cardboard.
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Signature and annotation
Annotation Author
Signed in dedication, in bottom half, "Para o querido amigo Callado com o abraço de Portinari”. Undated. Inscription at bottom left "Estudo – D. JOÃO VI”
Annotation Exhibition
On reverse, label "Nº 174 D. João, D. Carlota e D. Pedro Exposição no Pavilhão de Arte Contemporânea de Milão – Itália Col. Antonio Callado 21 de Março a 21 de Abril 1963” and label from Transportadora Fink; inscription "77”.
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