Mentioned By2
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General Info
Our Lady of Carmel
Composition in yellow, green tones, earthy, ochre, blue, rose, red, lilac, violet, black and white. Smooth texture. Our Lady of Mount Carmel with Baby Jesus in her lap occupying almost the entire area of the composition against forest background. The saint is standing, facing, has a round face, long and wavy hair blowing to the right, finding himself on top of the hair, a kind of flowing robe; It has broad forehead, thin eyebrows, large, almond-shaped eyes facing forward, broad nose, thin and closed lips, rounded chin. wears tunic Tone earthy on which wears a yellow robe, large and flowing, with small dots forming small flowers, closed at the neck. It has bare feet. On the right arm holds baby Jesus sitting in front, his head turned to the left. He has a round face, light and curly hair, wears a blue dress and is barefoot. The Child Jesus safe with the tips of the thumb and forefinger of the on the right hand a long scapular. The saint also holds a scapular in her on the left hand just as the boy. In the background, hills with dense forest vegetation and dark sky with scattered clouds.
Location Created
Candido PortinariPerson
General Info
The models for this work were Ines Portinari and João Candido Portinari, sister and son of the artist, respectively.
Artwork Function
Executed toArtworkFunctionType
Artwork Function Description
Work executed as center section of the Mayrink Chapel retable in the Tijuca Forest in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, commissioned by Raymundo Ottoni de Castro Maya, responsible for the forests restoration, at the request of the citys mayor, Mr. Henrique Dodsworth.
Support and Technique
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Signature and annotation
Unsigned and undated
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