
FishermenExecuted to




CR Number



247 x 550 cm

Art Form


Art Medium


Artwork Surface

Mentioned By 8


Composition in ochre, earthy, blue, yellow, orange, gray, red, green, violet, black, rose and white. Smooth texture. Fishing It depicts on the beach represented by geometric areas with sea and mountains in the background. In the foreground, to the right of center, woman kneeling on the right knee, 3/4 toward the on the right and head forward. wears violet turban and long robe. To the left and on the right along the banks, angular areas in dark tones suggesting that they are rocks. In the background, the center It depicts with three figures: Man standing in front, arms extended holding with both hands a hook that holds large purple fish that is supported by the boy kneeling on the left. The man wears blue sleeveless shirt and white trousers rolled. On the right woman standing in front of his face 3/4 facing the on the left, the on the right arm bent in front of her and on the left covered by higher irregularly his head, represented in dark background with angled area strong yellow. The woman wears geometrized tunic in earthyy tones and yellow. To the left of the central group, Profile man bent to the right with his legs apart and on the right man walking profile to on the left with boy mounted on his shoulders. Figures have the indicated facial features and on the faces, areas arranged contrasting shades randomly. In the background, on the left, beach representation, blue sea and high mountains and on the right over two mountains. Blue sky through most of the upper limit of support.


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