
The Flight to EgyptExecuted to




CR Number



155 x 170 cm

Art Form

Mural painting

Art Medium


Artwork Surface

combined medium and support
Is Part Of

General Info

The Flight to Egypt
Composition in tones earthy, gray, blue, ochre, red, green, white and rose. Resulting rough texture of the support itself. It depicts St. Joseph walking behind a donkey that carries Mary and the Child Jesus, against mountainous and arid lanscape in the background. In the foreground on the left profile of St. Joseph to the right. It has light hair, with long, wavy cloth wrapping of head and halo. wears blue tunic, below the knee, tied at the waist and black shoes. On the right arm the hand holding down a bucket and arm holding the folded on the left hand with a stick tied bundle supported on the shoulder; on the left leg more forward than the on the right. The front, i.e. In the center and on the right of the composition, gray ass, also to the right profile, with ears back, the on the left foreleg and on the left rear bent more forward than the on the right. Carries on its back, which is covered by white cloth, Mary has two legs on the right side of the animal. She wears long blue dress that covers her feet, surmounted by a large white collar and part of the chest in red. Has fallen wavy hair to the neck with blue cloth on the head and halo. Safe in her arms the Child Jesus, standing, facing, that is with his back on the left arm of the mother. He has a round face, red hair with halo on the head. wears white clothing and is involved in red cloak. The family is going through a narrow path. The floor is earthy tones and ochre with pitas and green cactus and blue flowers with rose brains. In the center, behind the donkey, a high hill. In the background, to the left, continuing the way in which the family has passed, finding himself a house and hills in the background and to the right a tree in shades of gray and earthy.
Location Created
General Info
This work was inspired by “Flight to Egypt” by Italian painter Fra Angelico.



Artwork Function
Executed toArtworkFunctionType
Artwork Function Description
Work executed to decorate a bedroom in the home of the artist’s parents, Brodowski, SP. The house where the artist’s parents lived, along with the work, was expropriated by the São Paulo state government in 1969 and transformed into a museum in 1970

Support and Technique

Art Form
Mural paintingArtFormType
Art Medium
Artwork Surface
combined medium and supportArtworkSurfaceType


Preservation Number
Obra tombada sob o nº 00032.


Museu Casa de Portinari adquirida pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo em julho de 1969Collection



Signature and annotation

Unsigned and undated


Related Document83
Related Event


Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura