General Info
Sitting Settler Woman
Composition in gray, blue, ochres, orange, earthy, black, red and white. Rough and smooth texture, wide and loose brushstrokes. Woman figure in arid field landscape. Representation of a settler, sitting on a gray ground, face in profile to the right and almost 3/4 of her body turned back to the back of the composition. An orange scarfe around her head and tied in her back neck, leaving a glimpse of few clear hairs. Profile with precise outline and marked by thin line in earthy tone. Dark, thin and straigh eyebrow. Big, eyes closed, dark eyelashes, straight nose, large nostrils, thick lips ajar, small chin with a dimple. Neck wide and short with two parallel wrinkles. She wears a blue shirts with rounded collar and long sleeves with draping effect at the top of the elbow. Resting hands on thighs open, long skirt in ochre, earthy and orange, draping effects. Open legs, oversized feet, expressive and deliberate anatomical deformation in the figure of the settler: large person, bulky, heavy, skin in ochre and earthy tones, tanned by the sun, rough feet. In the background on the right, a box shaped construction with low roof in red, walls in ochre and a square window in earthy tone. In the background, small elevation on the right, the horizon and blue gradient sky. Ground in gray tones.
Location Created
Candido PortinariPerson
Support and Technique
Preservation Number
Obra tombada sob o nº 386.
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Signature and annotation
Signed and dated in top right corner "PORTINARI 935"
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