
Migrant Dying




CR Number



160 x 110 cm

Art Form


Art Medium


Artwork Surface

Mentioned By


Migrant Dying
Composition in green, orange, blue, gray, rose, earthy, red, white and black tone. Smooth texture, slightly thicker in the figures, with marked brushstrokes. Composition representing the dispossessed with dying pregnant woman supported by a man; three women and two children behind, against ground in orange tones and background in greenish tones. The agonizin figure is on the foreground, sitting on the floor with legs to the left and head to the right, fallen, supported by the hand of the man standing behind, at the center of the composition and giving her water from a clay cooler. The agonizing figure's facial features suggest pain, she has significantly lean members, prominent belly, wears clothes in blue tones, has left arm dropped and is barefoot. In the center of the composition, crouching figure of a man, slightly off to the right, with suggested facial features holding with his left hand the dying woman's head. He wears light clothing and the head area is illuminated by geometrized superimposed light. Behind the three women standing. The one on the left faces, has dark hair, well-marked facial features, many wrinkles and suggests being blind in the left eye. The figure has significantly thin members and arms folded and intertwined, with hands at the stomach; her legs are apart and she is barefoot, wearing a broad and shapeless dress, composed of spots in gray tones. The woman in the center is in profile to the left, has dark hair and has her left hand over her head and to the right on the face. She wears a light-colored dress with blue spots and the lower part of her body is covered by the figure crouched in front. Behind the figure, probably a boy embraces her chest. The child has suggested facial features, is significantly thin the right arm is and wears ba lue shirt. The woman to the right is facing forward, has short hair, suggested facial features and is significantly thin. Her right arm is folded, holding the left one along the body, her legs are half-open and her feet are bear. She wears a tight dress in gray-blue tones with the waist marked by a black belt with a central square buckle. At the bottom, near the ground, horizontal stripe in green tones, lighter than the background, which ismore yellow.
Related Event9
Related Document42
Art Form
Art Medium
Artwork Surface
Previous Collection
Galeria Bonino adquirida do artistaCollection
Signed and dated at bottom right "PORTINARI 58"
Annotation Exhibition
On reverse, inscriptions "Candido Portinari Sao Paulo (Frágil)”, "Retirante Morrendo”, "Nº 7”, "1,60x1,10”, "m 60/15 1 nº 110”, "SIM”, "54”, "21” and "108”; label "Galeria Bonino – autor Candido Portinari Titulo Retirante Morto Medida 160 x 110 Procedencia Notas várias óleo s/ compensado Acêrvo Galeria Bonino Rio de Janeiro – Rio Novembro 1968” and stamp "Ministério da Educação e Cultura Museu Nacional de Bellas Artes Autorizo o Embarque – Assinatura – Rio de Janeiro Brasil” [twice].


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