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General Info
Mother with Dead Boy
Composition in black and white. Straight and wavy lines, intersecting lines represented by shaded. It depicts woman with the dead child in her lap, dead man and figures with arms raised. Geometrized composition in perspective, with suggested superimposed planes. In the foreground, on the left, dead man, lying on the ground with his head to the bottom and feet forward. To the left of center, seven brands of feet soles. On the right woman sitting in front, with his head back, on the right arm raised and lowered on the left holding dead boy lying on his lap, his head to the left of the composition and fallen legs to the right. In the background, several figures lying in different positions, with arms raised, especially on the right, back figure with dead child lying in her lap and her head to the right. At the bottom, the width straight lines cut by the composition of the top margin.
Location Created
Candido PortinariPerson
Support and Technique
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Dimension Notes
50x32.5 (S)
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