
Mayrink Chapel



hasPart 12


Mayrink Chapel
In 1943, Castro Maya commissioned four panels from Candido Portinari to decorate the chapel that was being restored, based on a project by architect Wladimir Alves de Souza. On the altar there would be, in the center, Our Lady of Mount Carmel with Baby Jesus on her lap; on the left, Saint John of the Cross; on the right, Saint Simon Stock and finishing off the front of the altar, Purgatory. The panels were created in Petrópolis, in the first months of 1944, and were used as models by her brothers, Ines and Luiz, and her son João Candido. Payment for the order was made not only with resources from Castro Maya itself, but also from a group of residents from Alto da Boa Vista. This set is one of the highlights of Portinari's sacred work, where the artist masterfully established the transcendence and devotion that the subject demands, combined with lyricism and tenderness. The chapel was opened to the public on July 16, 1944, in a ceremony presided over by Cardinal D. Jayme de Barros Câmara. The Mayrink Chapel was built by Councilor Mayrink in the second half of the 19th century. It is located in what is now the Tijuca Forest National Park. In the 1940s, the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Henrique Dodsworth, invited businessman and patron Raymundo de Castro Maya to assist him in improving the city, and he accepted the role of remodeling the Tijuca Forest ("My wish was show the public what a national park is; the Tijuca Forest would be a miniature example of what could be done throughout the country, taking advantage of natural beauty and defending it from civilization that comes in with the devastating ax, cutting down the forests and taking advantage of the earth's humus and then abandoning it", in Floresta da Tijuca, by Raymundo de Castro Maya, 1967, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Bloch, p.11). Theft of works: The panels São Simão Stock, São João da Cruz and Purgatório were stolen on 8/21/93 and recovered on 4/16/94. On 8/23/93 the Nossa Senhora do Carmo panel was transferred to the National Museum of Fine Arts. The three recovered paintings were later transferred to the Museum.
Obras executadas para decorar a Capela Mayrink - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Four oil/wood panels.
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