Brazil by Portinari


'Brazil by Portinari' was the Portinari Project's first educational program. In 1997, with sponsorship from Petrobras, a comprehensive project was developed consisting of an exhibition containing 45 digital replicas of carefully selected works, exploring the major themes addressed by the artist: social, historical and religious, aspects of Brazilian culture, ethnic and popular representations, animals, landscapes, and figures that illustrate our intellectuality.

In addition to the exhibitions, the program included teaching material and photographic panels detailing the artist's life and times, all specially designed to meet the needs of primary and secondary schools. 'Brazil by Portinari' has already promoted more than 100 exhibitions, achieving great success. The initiative has reached all the Brazilian capitals, as well as several municipalities. Around 500,000 people have already had the enriching opportunity to take part in this educational program.

Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura