Raul Costa d' Avila principal
Flutist, professor at the Arts Center (CA) of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). Coordinator of the Transverse Flute Pedagogy and Performance Laboratory (LaPPerF). PhD in Music by the Graduate Program in Music at the School of Music of the Federal University of Bahia, with his thesis ?Odette Ernest Dias: discourses on a pedagogical perspective of the flute?. He has been participating in Festivals of the Brazilian Association of Flautists (2019, 2018, 2015), 43 UFG International Music Festival (2020), 5 Carioca Meeting of Flautists (2020), IV Convention Française de la Fûte (Paris / 2012), Cycle de Musique Contemporaine du Brésil (Paris / 2010), Flautists Meetings / RS (2018, 2016, 2015), among others. Author of the book "The Articulation in the Modern Transversal Flute: a historical approach, its transformations, techniques and use" (Editora da UFPel / 2004). His current performances have focused on literature for solo flute, contemplating baroque, modern and contemporary music, Brazilian music, in addition to authorial compositions. He was Secretary of the Brazilian Association of Flutists / ABRAF (2002/2005), (2011/2014) and (2015/2018) and is currently a member of the committee for the organization of Scientific Events of this Association. Deputy coordinator of the research project "Avendano Junior: the tradition of Choro in Pelotas - the construction of a collaborative archive of music and memory of Pelotas and Region", developed at UFPel.
Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
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