General Info
Composition in white, ochre, gray, earthy, green, blue, rose and yellow. Smooth texture. It depicts three washerwomen carrying burdens, against lanscape background with coffee plantation and hills. In the foreground, on the left of center, half-length front woman, round face, almond-shaped eyes turned to the left, big nose, very thick and closed lips. wears white sleeveless dress round neck, on the right arm raised holding a large white bale rounded shape that carries the head and on the left arm along the body. In the background, on the right of center, woman standing in front, wearing white dress with on the left sleeved and sleeveless on the right arm is raised holding a big white burden rounded bearing on his head and covering his face to the height of the eyes; further to the right, a pita and a vertical wooden stick suggesting a clothesline with hanging cloth square. In the third plane on the left wall of a building with colonial roof suggestion; the center sketched woman standing, facing, on the left arm also holding a burden on the head. In the background, on the right, hills with coffee plantation with blue house with white clouds looking down at the on the right three balloons.
Location Created
Candido PortinariPerson
Support and Technique
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Signature and annotation
Signed and dated in bottom right corner "PORTINARI 937"
Annotation Exhibition
On reverse, stamp "MINISTERIO DA EDUCAÇÃO E SAÚDE MUSEU NACIONAL DE BELAS ARTES”; label from Galerie Charpentier.
Annotation Others
On reverse, inscriptions "Em 4 de abril 1946 José Paulo”, "190” and "13”.
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