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General Info
Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross, Thirteenth Station of the Via Crucis
Composition in dark shades of red, blue, green, earthy, black, gray and ochre and purple and green tones. Smooth texture and marked brushstrokes. Representation of Jesus being taken down by four figures, seeing himself in the background hills and green sky. In the center of the composition, Jesus body being loaded into shroud supported at the ends by two women. Jesus is represented in gray-green tone, head on the left and on the right legs to face without indicated facial features, on the right arm hanging out of the shroud, head and trunk almost from the front and on the left arm in her lap. On the left woman nearly edge-on to the right, leaning back as if straining to support the shroud, face no defined facial features and legs apart. On the right, another woman holding the other end of the shroud, 3/4 turned to the left, also without indicated facial features and legs wide apart. To the left of center, behind Jesus' head, front figure, standing, torso and head tilted down. Behind this figure, deeper, part of the larger arm of the cross on which rests a ladder on which one sees woman as if she were coming down. This figure is only sketched looking up on the left arm up, stretched leg bent and on the left on the right. Ground in red earthy tone and the background sky and green hills lilac.
Candido PortinariPerson
Artwork Function
Executed toArtworkFunctionType
Artwork Function Description
Work executed to decorate the Church of Lord Jesus of the Cane, Batatais, SP.
Support and Technique
Igreja do Senhor Bom Jesus da Cana Verde doada por particulares, que a adquiriram do artista, sob encomenda, em 1953. Portinari foi responsável por metade da doaçãoCollection
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Signature and annotation
Unsigned and undated
Annotation Author
Inscription on reverse of support "13”
Related Document11
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