War and Peace Project - Portinari's War and Peace - Back to the UN


After being exhibited and restored, the two monumental panels were reinstalled at the UN headquarters in December 2014, with frames and translucent curtains being added until they were re-inaugurated. The murals remained covered in the UN delegates' entrance hall until September 8, 2015, when the Second Unveiling ceremony took place to celebrate the return of the works to UN headquarters.

The re-inauguration ceremony was a success and received huge media coverage, with the presence of the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, who gave an emotional opening speech. Ambassador Antônio Patriota, Head of Brazil's Mission to the UN, also delivered President Dilma's speech, sent by the Presidency of the Republic for the occasion. The representative of the Minister of Culture, Mr. Francisco Bosco (President of Funarte) was also present and took part in the concert ceremony, which had the artistic direction of Bia Lessa and the participation of Maria Bethânia and Milton Nascimento.

The event highlighted the idea of building a fairer world, more respectful of the sacredness of Life, calling for the convergence of different cultures, the linguistic and artistic diversity of peoples and human contradictions. The film - presented in a mega projection mapping that surrounded the entire architecture of the General Assembly Hall - established a direct relationship between what was presented live and images that showed the dialog between music, literature, cinema, photography, philosophy, science and statistics.

Pope Francis sent a message of peace, which was read live during the ceremony. At the end, the audience that filled the room (approximately 1,100 people) was invited to visit the re-inaugurated panels (restricted to delegates and heads of state).

Watch UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki-Moon's speech opening the reopening ceremony.

Lei de Incentivo à Cultura - Lei Rouanet
PUC Rio Portinari
Enauta Itau
 logo Projeto Portinari Ministério da Cultura