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Rachel de Queiroz, Exposição Portinari: catálogo


'When we Brazilian intellectuals feel discouraged from doing something that crosses the great barrier of silence behind which we live confined, we should think about Portinari. He alone, by the strength of his talent and work, was able to crack the crust of isolation, ignorance and unknowing that envelopes us, showing in Paris and New York things made here that have real value . Machado de Assis, Villa-Lobos, Portinari. We can at least trust these three, as in their shadow we can be sure there is someone to represent Brazil.'

Rachel de Queiroz


In: Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, RJ). Exposição Portinari: catálogo. Texto André Lentin et al. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1953. 51 p. il. [catálogo]

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