Meeting Portinari at Palácio Guanabara; Portinari insists doing her portrait; frequent visits at Portinari's home; friendship with Maria; Portinari paints the panels of the Library of Congress, in Washington; portraits of the Rockefellers; Portinari's friendship with Lutero Vargas; Portinari paints the "Biblical Series" for Radio Tupi headquarters; Portinari's mishandling of financial matters; disease causes Portinari stop painting with oils for 5 years; the murals of the Ministério da Educação e Saúde/MES; the panels "War" and "Peace"; friendship and occasional differences with Capanema; Portinari paints the United Nations/UN panels; Portinari awarded major prize in Pittsburg; Portinari's exhibition at the New York World’s Fair; support from Vargas and Capanema causes controversy; Lúcio Costa; Oscar Niemeyer; Carlos Drummond de Andrade; Portinari's stories; Getúlio Vargas' temperament; "Portrait of Getúlio Vargas" causes controversy; Portinari's candidature to the Senate; intellectuals of the French Communist Party/PCF opportunism; Portinari's friendship with Sartre; Portinari's artistic independence; Portinari's relationship with Getúlio; the Vargas administration; the role of women in Getúlio's administration; the 30's Revolution; Portinari's involvement with the Communist Party; the influence of Rivera in Portinari's muralism; Portinari draws the cover of the playbill for "Joujoux and Balangandãs".