Family background; his childhood in Praça Tiradentes, Rio de Janeiro; friendship between the families Toledo and Portinari in Brodósqui; the young Candinho travels to Rio with Aldary's parents; Candinho's stay in the Toledos' house in Rio; the death of Aldary's brothers; his portrait at the age of 3 by Candinho; Portinari's first works; going to the movies with Candinho; his grandmother Umbelina; José Portinari; Aldary's preference for drawing; his option for architecture to appease his family; meeting Candinho again; stories of Brodósqui; his studies of drawing with Portinari; proficiency tests for the Escola de Arquitetura; Felipe dos Santos Reis; Lúcio Costa; Oscar Niemeyer; deviations of Modern Art; Carlos Leão; Ubi Bava; the death of Milton Roberto; Murilo Mendes; Oswald de Andrade; close relationship with Portinari; Toledo gets the highest grade at the Universidade do Distrito Federal/UDF; Villa-Lobos; Guignard; Portinari's classes; Portinari's enthusiasm for art; distinguished visitors at Portinari's house; the course in architecture; his help to Portinari during the making of the Monumento Rodoviário's panels; Rubem Cassa; Candinho's unstable temperament; praise for Portinari as a teacher; the Ministério da Educação e Saúde/MES' murals; Burle Marx; Edith Berhing; visiting Portinari's studio; Portinari's lack of interest in politics; Lelio Landucci; the paintings "Coffee" and "Football"; "Saint Tereza Cloister"; moved by Portinari's works; looks down on Modern Art; caricatures of Portinari; Portinari's obsession for a deeper knowledge of drawing; friendship between Portinari and Guignard; the United Nations/UN panels; the pleasure of observing Portinari at work; the predominance of white in Portinari's work; comparison between Portinari and Segall; the work at Petrobras; Josélia Peixoto's house built during the war; Portinari's voluntary isolation at the end of his life; taken aback by the separation of Maria and Portinari; in Maria's honor; stories of Portinari and Maria; his last visit to Portinari; "Portrait of Aldary Toledo".