Letter written to Portinari; birth in Sergipe in 1924; artistic bent inherited from his aunt; constantly relocating due to mother’s work; paints posters for his godfather’s movie theater; first exposure to Horácio Horta’s work; the leftist intellectual friends; the influence of Portinari on Jenner’s painting of the Bar Cacique; first individual show in Sergipe; enrolls at the Escola Nacional de Belas Artes/ENBA; meeting Mário Cravo; the mention of Portinari’s name is prohibited at the Escola de Belas Artes of Salvador; first exposure to Portinari’s work; visits Portinari with help from Oscar Niemeyer; the "Cangaceiro"; deeply moved on speaking to Portinari; Communist Party sympathizer; exposition in Rio in 1956; invitation to dine at Portinari’s home; Jayme Maurício; Lourival Fontes; Bianco; the pleasure in observing Portinari painting the United Nations panels; Portinari's elegance in his studio; Portinari’s stories; Dalcídio Jurandir; Portinari's depressive phase; Maria visits him in Salvador; the engraving "Tiradentes"; Portinari’s generosity; Mário Pedrosa; quarrels with Mário Cravo; Ferreira Goulart; Portinari in the 1939 to 1943 period; Maria's teaching to his wife Maria Luiza; Carlos Scliar; Portinari influences the entire country; Rosinha Leão; Tereza Nicolao; Inimá de Paula; Portinari’s quarrels with Di Cavalcanti; the Communist Party bearing on art; art in Russia; Portinari distances himself from the Communist Party; the issue between the leftists and the Bienal de São Paulo; Pancetti; Jenner exhibits at Galeria Bonino in 1964; Iberê Camargo; learning the chiarouscuro technique with Portinari; the art critics’ hermetic parlance; praises Projeto Portinari; Portinari - Brazil’s foremost painter; celebrating Jenner’s 50th anniversary; the Anjo Azul bar.