Her mythical vision of uncle Candinho during family gatherings in Brodósqui; schooling in Araçatuba; Portinari runs for senator as a member of the Communist Party and Marysia's parents support him; the Communist Party thrust into the inland cities of the country; she begins to paint; her experince working with uncle Candinho in Rio; meeting Nicolás Guillén in Brodósqui; memories of her vacations in Bródosqui; coming to Rio invited by aunt Maria; returning to Rio some years later to accompany uncle Candinho after his separation from Maria; closeness to uncle Candinho; Portinari's self confidence; Portinari's death; Portinari's dreams of a reconciliation with Maria; Portinari's last years; his preference for the carefree friends; Rosinha Leão; Portinari gives moral support for his son's marriage; Di Cavalcanti; Portinari's death seen as a rest; the development of her career as a painter; evaluation of Portinari's work.