Writer and critic; graduates as a lawyer; his carreer as a journalist; co-founder of the Sociedade Pró-Arte Moderna/SPAM; his work as state solicitor; Club dos Artistas Modernos/CAM; the Família Artística Paulista; Leônidas Autuori's concert on the bank of Tamanduateí river; Autuori and Portinari's friendship; meeting Portinari; Portinari's attempt to paint Paulo Mendes; Portinari's financial problems; Paulo Mendes de Almeida's personal file; Lasar Segall; Segall's ball; Portinari's original waistcoats; Portinari's friends; Francisco Mignone; art movements in São Paulo - CAM and SPAM; Oswald de Andrade; Tarsila do Amaral's first exhibition in 1929, in Rio; rivalry between Portinari and Segall; homage to Portinari at Rotisserie Ferraris; a special issue of "Revista Acadêmica" on Portinari, in 1940 turns into a dispute; lack of consistency of Oswald de Andrade's critics; the argument between Mário and Oswald de Andrade; Portinari and Rosalita Mendes de Almeida's letters; Maria's dedication to Portinari; the exhibition of Portinari's 58 drawings at the Casa do Artista Plástico, in São Paulo; the purchase of the panel "Tiradentes" by the government of São Paulo; absence of Portinari in the colletion of the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo/MAM-SP; "Portrait of Paulo Rossi Osir"; "Portinari" written by Antonio Bento; his acquaintence with Anita Malfatti through his family; his literary work; "Grande Sertão, Veredas"; the incident during the Congresso de Escritores.